September is National Campus Safety Awareness Month

September 01, 2021 By: Carla Hulsey Pate

The University of Texas Police at Houston invites the community to participate in National Campus Safety Awareness Month (NCSAM) during the month of September.

According to The Clery Center, Congress unanimously approved NCSAM to encourage a public conversation on important topics in violence prevention at colleges and universities across the nation.

UT Police’s role with NCSAM has been to develop free programs and resources that promote campus safety. As part of its regular programming, UT Police offers various safety classes, programs and services that are free and open to all workforce members and students affiliated with The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MD Anderson) and The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

Safety Classes

UT Police regularly offers safety classes to all workforce members and students, with class schedules announced through the UT Police website and through UT Police’s community newsletter KnightLine. UT Police also publishes class announcements on internal channels, such as the MD Anderson and UTHealth intranet calendars.

Departments and work groups also can request safety classes by contacting Community Outreach at 713-563-7794 or [email protected]. Classes currently offered include:

  • Active Shooter Prevention and Response/Behaviors of Concern
  • Bike and Pedestrian Safety
  • Bomb Threat Response Guidance
  • Conflict in Relationships: Breaking the Cycle of Abuse
  • Don’t Fall For It: Scams and How to Spot Them
  • General Campus Safety
  • Identity Theft
  • Speaking Up: Breaking the Silence on Sexual Violence
  • Travel Safety
  • Verbal Defense and Influence
  • Weather the Storm: Resiliency in Unfavorable Weather Conditions

Threat Management Team

UT Police’s Threat Management Team oversees the department’s threat mitigation, behavioral intervention, employee background screening and security sensitive investigations. The TMT collaborates with both UTHealth and MD Anderson multidisciplinary Behavioral Intervention Teams (2-STOP and Employee Assistance Programs), and serves as the rapid response portion of both intervention teams. To report behaviors of concern, contact the TMT at 713-792-2890.

Risk Assessments

UT Police conducts risk assessments to identify assets, security threats and vulnerabilities in security systems and operations, to ultimately score and rank risks with recommendations for mitigation. These assessments represent a first step in UT Police’s focus on prevention. UTHealth and MD Anderson managers can request a security risk assessment of their work areas by contacting Risk Preparedness Services and Technical Services Manager David Cribbs at 713-794-5733 or [email protected].

Safety Transportation Service

When facing a safety concern, UTHealth and MD Anderson workforce members and students may request a courtesy escort to their vehicle by calling 713-792-2890.

Additional Resources

For a complete service guide to UT Police, community members may refer to the Annual Security Report (MD Anderson) and the Security and Fire Safety Report (UTHealth). These reports serve as a guidepost not only for crime statistics, but also on the programs and services widely available to UTHealth and MD Anderson community members.

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