Assist in Well-being, Awareness, Readiness and Engagement (AWARE) Team

The first AWARE Team orientation includes a Stop the Bleed or Medical Tactical training.

Launched in April 2018, the AWARE Team plays an active role during crisis events and reporting of behaviors of concern. AWARE Team members take an active role in the safety and security of the campus community through crowd sourcing support and care during a critical incident prior, during and after first responders arrive. UT Police actively recruits, trains, and provides supplies to AWARE members so they can assist during a critical incident, regularly engage one-on-one with officers; attend safety meetings; post important safety bulletins, special alerts and upcoming safety classes in work areas; and ultimately be an advocate for the safety and security of our campus.

The Prevention Passport is a way to track progress made towards becoming a full-fledged AWARE Team member. UT Police offers special incentives for individuals who complete the curriculum.

Each AWARE member is issued a Prevention Passport that UT Police created to help track their progress to becoming a full-fledged AWARE Team member. Members who complete the first five trainings become a Prevention Partner. Members who complete the curriculum graduate to AWARE Team members. After completing the “second destinations,” which includes CPR/AED, First Aid and Stop the Bleed training, members receive Stop the Bleed kits to keep at their desks, so that they may act immediately to save lives. Additionally, members receive special incentives for completing the curriculum, such as a weapons demonstration, police ride-along and an invitation to a behind the scenes look at police operations at headquarters.

I'm Interested in Becoming an AWARE member!