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UT Police Publishes Annual Security Reports

November 02, 2020

Since its enactment in 1990 the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Statistics Act (Clery Act) has established the blueprint for the disclosure safety and crime information that occur on and around institutions of higher education campuses.

The Annual Security Report (MD Anderson) and the Security and Fire Safety Report (UTHealth) not only serve to inform the community about the University of Texas Police at Houston's (UT Police) crime statistics, but they also serve as a guidepost on the programs and services widely available to the community. 

UT Police, in coordination with UTHealth and MD Anderson, ensures the full compliance of the landmark federal law by providing annual reports, available on the Reports page of the UT Police website. 

The Annual Security Report (MD Anderson)

The Security and Fire Safety Report (UTHealth)

"The statistical data includes reports from crime victims directly to UT Police, along with information that comes to the attention of campus officials beyond law enforcement," said UT Police Senior Inspector Charles Dunn, who oversees the team responsible for publishing the annual reports.

"Those officials, known as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) currently comprise a little more than 475 people who regularly interact with students and workforce members in their roles as law enforcement, faculty, directors, vice presidents, and other on-campus authorities." 

All UT Police leaders, staff and uniformed police and security teams are considered CSAs. A list of for MD Anderson and UTHealth CSAs and their contact information also is available on the Reports page of the UT Police website. 

As an important component of the report, MD Anderson's Division of Human Resources makes available information for victims of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, who can receive an array of support as well as file a report through its Title IX website.

Similarly, UTHealth victims of sexual misconduct or discrimination may file an Online Discrimination Report which can be found on the institution's Title IX website or email the Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator. 

"Publishing the two reports each year is an important part of UT Police's commitment to creating and maintaining a campus free from all forms of sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking," said William Adcox, chief of police at UT Police. "The information contained in the report helps increase awareness of sexual violence on campus and empower students to be effective, proactive bystanders."

The security reports disclose crime data for calendar years 2017-2019. To learn more about the Clery Act, go to

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