Safety Classes

Crime prevention classes teach the community how to stay safe.

UT Police offers several safety programs to reduce or minimize the risk of becoming a victim of crime. UT Police believes the actions and awareness of the faculty, staff and students on the MD Anderson and UTHealth campuses are the best methods to eliminate the opportunity of a potential crime.

Active Shooter Prevention and Response/Behaviors of Concern

The course provides faculty and staff with critical guidance on how to recognize and survive an active shooter situation. The course helps attendees identify behaviors of concern that may signal the need for intervention to prevent a violent incident from occurring. With an emphasis on providing people in duress the support services they need, the class also provides information about the institutional resources available and the 2-STOP and STOP program. (1-hour course)

UT Police also offers Active Shooter Prevention and Response training for clinical staff emphasizing Avoid, Deny, Defend in a patient care setting. (1-hour course).

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety

This course is designed to educate pedestrians, cyclists and motorists on how to commute safely in and around the Texas Medical Center. Emphasis is placed on biking with safety and confidence, and navigating the streets under various traffic conditions. (30-minute course)

Conflict in Relationships: Breaking the Cycle of Abuse

The course familiarizes attendees with Texas laws associated with family violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. Guidance is provided on how to recognize the signs of intimate partner violence, the significance of early action and reporting options. (1-hour course)

CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention

The course teaches nurses strategies to safely defuse anxious, hostile or violent behaviors at the earliest possible stage, while balancing the responsibilities of patient care. For more information, contact UT Police Training at 713-563-4741 or [email protected]. (8-hour course)

Don't Fall For It: Scams and How to Spot Them

The course provides guidance on how to spot scams, tips to protect yourself and how to report a scam. (1-hour course)

General Campus Safety

The course provides general safety tips on how to minimize the risk of being a potential target or victim, and community resources that aim to curtail crime. (1-hour course)

Identity Theft

The course teaches attendees about various kinds of identity theft, ways to protect against identity theft and the impact identity theft can have on its victims. The course also discusses action steps and resources for identity theft victims. (1-hour course)

Non-Escalation, De-Escalation, and Crisis Management (NEDECM)

This course focuses on predicting and preventing conflict (non-escalation), reducing challenging behaviors before they become violent (de-escalation), and interacting with people who have lost their ability to make safe decisions and control their behavior due to cognitive challenges or mental illness (crisis management). (2 or 4-hour courses available)

Speaking Up: Breaking the Silence on Sexual Violence

This presentation examines the impacts of sexual violence and outlines protective factors to help prevent it. (30 minute course)

Stop the Bleed

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed can result in the loss of life. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, this class aims to teach proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use your hands, dressings, and tourniquets. (1.5-hour course)

Travel Safety

The course provides guidance and best practices for safe travels.(30-minute course)

Weather the Storm: Resiliency in Unfavorable Weather Conditions

This course provides an overview on preparing for a natural disaster. (30-minute course)